Student Learning Outcomes

1. Presentation Skills

In terms of content, students will be able to show competence in identifying relevant information, defining and explaining topics under discussion. They will demonstrate depth of understanding, use primary and secondary sources; they will demonstrate complexity, insight, cogency, independent thought, relevance, and persuasiveness. They will be able to evaluate information and use and apply relevant theories.  In terms of organization, students will be able to show competence in working with a methodology, structuring their oral work, and synthesizing information. They will demonstrate clarity, the strength of their thesis statement, and develop their topic with appropriate signposting. In terms of delivery, students will use appropriate registers and vocabulary, and will demonstrate command of voice modulation, voice projection, and pacing. They will be able to make use of visual, audio and audio-visual material to support their presentation, and will be able to speak cogently with or without notes. Students will present either in groups or as individuals.

2. Discussion Skills

Students will be able to judge when to speak and how much to say, speak clearly and audibly in a manner appropriate to the subject, ask appropriate questions, use evidence to support claims, respond to a range of questions, take part in meaningful discussion to reach a shared understanding, speak with or without notes, show depth of understanding, demonstrate breadth of reading, use primary and secondary sources, show independence and flexibility of thought, help discussions to move forward, show intellectual leadership and effective time management. Language use will show a rich vocabulary, appropriate use of register, subtlety of thought, timing, clarity, engagement, and appropriate voice modulation.

3. Listening Skills

Students will demonstrate that they have paid close attention to what others say and can respond constructively. Through listening attentively, they will be able to build on discussion fruitfully, supporting and connecting with other discussants. They will be able to follow academic discussions, infer meanings that are not overt, and take notes from a discussion or presentation. 

4. Argumentative Skills and Critical Thinking

Students will develop persuasive speech, present information in a compelling, well-structured, and logical sequence, respond respectfully to opposing ideas, show depth of knowledge of complex subjects, and develop their ability to synthesize, evaluate and reflect on information. Students will be able to demonstrate use of appropriate methodologies, test the strength of their thesis statement, show insight into a topic, appropriate signposting, and clarity of purpose. They will also demonstrate problem-solving skills and apply theoretical knowledge.

5. Questioning

Through asking appropriate questions, students will demonstrate their understanding of discussions and spark further discussion.

6. Interdisciplinary Inquiry

Students will be able to reach across diverse disciplines to apply theories, methods and knowledge bases from multiple fields to a single question or problem. They will be able to integrate schools of thought from several established fields into their discussion of a topic in order to show a well-rounded understanding. There will be opportunities for developing ideas through creative work.

7. Engaging with Big Questions

Students will engage with important questions that stimulate discussion and debate. While there is a great deal of diversity of subject matter in CSEM, many of the courses focus on ethical, cultural, and moral questions, on questions that enable students to reflect on themselves and on their place in society, and on questions that serve a public or civic purpose. Some courses include discussion of and visits to not-for-profit organizations.

8. Studying Major Works

Students will engage with works that are widely held to be significant in the field of study, while recognizing cultural diversity and the ever-changing nature of what is regarded as important.